Make your wedding memorable...
Watch the Jive Pranksters live at Stoneridge:
We can provide music for your ceremony. Be it a Classical String Trio or Classical String Quartet, Instrumental Soloist, Pianist, Organist, Guitarist or Solo Singer, we have the right person to create the right mood.
We can provide light music during cocktails/canapes so your guests stay relaxed and in the mood. You might like some light jazz, or an accoustic duo, or perhaps a wandering saxophone...
We can provide non-stop dance music for your reception. We provide the right music from swing to current Top 40
to keep the evening buzzing. Have a look at our bands here.
Contact us to discuss the options and choose your own music.
We are happy to prepare "special requests" for your wedding.

We have performed at countless weddings in marquees, parks, mountain tops and private homes as well as the following venues in Queenstown, Arrowtown & Wanaka:

Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall
Canyons Lodge
Cardrona Hotel
Cavells Cafe & Bar
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Coronet Peak Ski Area
Coronet Plaza
Copthorne Hotel
Edgewater Resort
Gantleys Restaurant
Gardens Novatel
Gibbston Valley Vineyard
Heritage Hotel
Hilton Hotel
Lake Hayes Pavilion
Matakauri Lodge
Millbrook Resort
Millennium Hotel
Moonlight Barn
Mt Soho Winery
Northburn Station
Nugget Point
Oakridge Resort
Peregrine Winery
Prime Restaurant
Punutapu Lodge
Queenstown Memorial Centre
Remarkables Lodge
Rippon Vineyard
Rydges Hotel
St Moritz
Thurlby Domain
Trelawn Place
TSS Earnslaw
The Venue, Wanaka
Walter Peak
Winehouse & Kitchen